It takes just two appointments to get you started and enrolled in PrEP. Learn More about the enrollment process.

Prevent HIV with PrEP
Prevent HIV with just one pill a day!

What? When?
One Pill. Daily.
PrEP is a once-a-day HIV prevention pill that is up to 99% effective when taken consistently.
Three-month checkups.
PrEP requires labs and a visit with a provider every three months to ensure it is working and keeping you safe.
PrEP is for everyone!
Who? How much? Why?
People vulnerable to HIV.
PrEP is for any sexually active HIV-negative person (regardless of sexual identity) and injection drug users.
It’s covered.
PrEP is covered by most insurance plans, and there is payment assistance available for qualified persons for any gaps in coverage.
You’re in control.
PrEP helps give you peace of mind and connects you with health providers to keep you on track for a healthy life.
Call (260) 744-1144 or contact us to get started!
Timothy Price
Biomedical Prevention Coordinator