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Feb 01 2024

Breaking Barriers and Building Awareness: Addressing HIV in Black Communities


Uniting to End HIV/AIDS in Black Communities

HIV continues to disproportionately affect Black and African American communities in the U.S., highlighting the urgent need for awareness, education, and action. While observances like National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) provide important opportunities to mobilize change, the need to break down barriers and promote health equity extends far beyond a single day.

The fight against HIV in Black communities requires ongoing conversations about stigma, systemic inequities, and access to care. By engaging in these discussions year-round, we can foster greater understanding, promote testing and prevention, and work toward a future where race is not a barrier to health and well-being.


Infographic showing new diagnoses among the most-affected US populations, with Black/African American communities being affected more than any other racial or ethnic group.

Addressing Disparities

Black and African American individuals continue to be disproportionately impacted by HIV. According to the Indiana Community Health Improvement Initiative, the rate of new HIV diagnoses among Black and African American individuals is eight times higher than that of White individuals. Nationally, Black individuals account for a significant percentage of new HIV diagnoses, underscoring the need for targeted resources, outreach, and healthcare solutions.

Overcoming Barriers to Care

Racism and discrimination greatly affect healthcare within Black communities, particularly in the context of HIV. Structural inequities, stigma, and bias can hinder access to quality healthcare services. Additionally, discriminatory practices may contribute to mistrust within healthcare systems, discouraging individuals from seeking the care they need.

Positive Resource Connection is working to remove these barriers by offering free and confidential HIV testing, prevention resources and connection to care. Thanks to our partnership with Alliance Health Centers to house a primary care clinic within our office, we’re making essential healthcare services even more accessible to our community and northeast Indiana. By bringing care directly to the people who need it most, we’re ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to receive compassionate, stigma-free medical support.

The Power of Education

Knowledge is a powerful tool for any individual when it comes to taking care of their health. The initial spread of fear and misinformation during the early years of the HIV epidemic during the 1980s and 90s still persist today across all racial communities. Understanding how HIV is transmitted, practicing safe behaviors, and recognizing risk factors empower individuals to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Comprehensive education like our Outreach programs promotes the use of preventive measures, dispels myths, reduces stigma, and contributes significantly to preventing HIV transmission.

Quote graphic: "Racism is a serious public health threat." -Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH, CDC Director

Engage, Educate, Empower

How you can take action

  • Know Your Status: Regular HIV testing is an important part of self-care. Free and confidential testing is available at Positive Resource Connection and other community organizations.
  • Break the Stigma: Open conversations about HIV help dispel myths and encourage more people to seek testing and treatment.
  • Promote Prevention: Tools like PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and the use of protective barriers can significantly reduce the risk of HIV transmission.
  • Support Community Efforts: Positive Resource Connection hosts fundraisers, awareness events, and testing initiatives throughout the year – see what’s upcoming!

By working together to spread awareness, challenge stigma, and promote health equity, we can help end new cases of HIV/AIDS in northeast Indiana and beyond.

Follow us on Facebook for more related content, info on HIV/AIDS and future events. 

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