Creating Change in Northeast Indiana One Step at a Time
Apr 16 2018
Twenty-two years and countless steps later, the Northeast Indiana AIDS Walk is one of the largest fundraisers for Positive Resource Connection.
Relationships. Partnerships. Collaborations. For me it’s all about connections. “Connection is the energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard and valued – when they can give and receive without judgement.” Brene` Brown, PHD, LMSW. I love that quote. I think it also applies to organizations, businesses and agencies – which, of course, are made up of people.
Executive Director: Jeff Markley
I feel lucky and proud to live in a community that values connections as much as I do. The Positive Resource Connection has relationships, partnerships and collaborations with quite a few other organizations in northeast Indiana and I believe they all stem from the reciprocal connection that has been created between the people of those agencies and our staff, board members, volunteers, and clients.
Our connection with the Fort Wayne – Allen County Department of Health has resulted in a satellite STD clinic at our agency every Wednesday afternoon and we have committed to house the Syringe Services Program every Tuesday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. for individuals challenged with drug addiction but who are proactive in taking steps to reduce their risk of acquiring HIV and Hepatitis.
Our Care Coordinators’ connections with Lutheran Medical Group and Parkview Physicians Group along with many other medical facilities assures our clients that we can help them navigate the rigors of receiving HIV and AIDS medical care and ultimately keep them healthy and physically unable to pass the virus on.
Connections with funders like the Indiana State Department of Health, Health Foundation of Greater Indianapolis, Foellinger Foundation, Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne, Saint Joseph Community Health Foundation, K21 Foundation, Lincoln Financial Foundation, United Way of Allen County, and many more, allow us to sustain and expand our programs and level of services so we can continue to work towards an AIDS-free generation sooner than later!
Our Prevention and Outreach team have created connections with Neighborhood Health Clinic, After Dark Night Club, Bowen Treatment Centers, Su Salud, and numerous health departments in the 12 counties we serve which allows us to provide free HIV testing to one of the largest regions in the state of Indiana.
Our community connections have brought us incredible, long-term, front-desk volunteers like John Boerger, Rod Kuhn, and Roger Meneely. These fine gentlemen volunteer one afternoon a week – every week – to answer the phone, greet guests, and manage office traffic flow!
AIDS Walk is another great example of volunteer connections. Our AIDS Walk committee has evolved due to the connections each member has with the agency and cause. Ron Haas has been on every AIDS Walk committee for the past 22 years – it doesn’t get better than that! The rest of the committee – Julie Morrison, Janet Howard, Nicholas Asher, Scott Tarr, Josyln Elliott, and Nicholas Risinger – are using their personnel connections with the PRC to energize the AIDS Walk event and serve our community well.
I’m thankful for all of these extraordinary connections and I’m thankful for the significant connection we have with you. Our connection with you, on whatever level that is – client, volunteer, supporter, provider, funder – is key to being able to work toward our mission of preventing new cases of HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis, and STDs and advancing a compassionate and stigma-free community response.
So please stop in if you’re in the area. Say hello. Take a tour. Let’s make a connection!
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