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Sponsor the Northeast Indiana AIDS Walk!

Better Together logo with collage of people walking and holding balloons inside the letters

Sponsor AIDS Walk 2022!

This year, for our annual AIDS Walk 2022, we’re aiming to raise $30,000 to fund Outreach Services. Did you know 94% of our clients are undetectable?  This means their HIV will never progress to AIDS and they are unable to transmit the virus to others.  You know what this means, right?  It means our services are working!  We want to reach more people in the 12 counties we serve in northeast Indiana.  Our Outreach Services follow the same BETTER TOGETHER mantra: the more people we reach, the greater our chances of ending new cases of HIV and Hepatitis C.

At AIDS Walk 2022, we’ll walk in solidarity around downtown and raise money by online peer-to-peer fundraising.  However, we think our efforts would go even further with you as an official corporate sponsor.

Join us along with Fort Wayne’s NBC in promoting the Positive Resource Connection at AIDS Walk 2022.  With you by our side, we’re sure to achieve our fundraising goal and serve northeast Indiana well.  Keep scrolling for a list of sponsorship levels and their associated benefits.