On the Road to an AIDS-Free Future
Aug 09 2019
There are two ways we’re getting closer to halting new cases of HIV and ending the AIDS epidemic once and for all: U=U and PrEP.
Executive Director, Jeff Markley, vacated his Fort Wayne office for a couple weeks this July for a more exotic workspace: Nairobi, Kenya! Jeff traveled to the beautiful African country to join Hearts for Love Worldwide, an organization that helps Kenyan children and families in poverty. Through Hearts for Love, Jeff played an active role with the people there in specific regards to HIV/AIDS.
Some of his highlights included working with women living with HIV at an organization called Living Positive Kenya, facilitating a workshop on social and self stigma, meeting men and women living with HIV in southewestern Kenya, conducting HIV/AIDS information programs to over 400 high school students in Ngong, Kenya, and touring a medical facility and meeting the HIV/AIDS medical staff and community outreach workers to review procedures and medical updates.
The staff of Positive Resource Connection are unbelievably proud to see their director take his talents and passion abroad. Some of the faces of PRC sent positive messages to the men, women and children Jeff would be working with. You can see our video note below.