Put the power of your health back in your own hands! Hepatitis C is easily treatable. With one test, we’ll immediately get you started on the road to recovery. Call (260) 744-1144 to get started!

Hepatitis C Case Management
What We Do
The primary goal of the Viral Hepatitis Services Program is to increase the proportion of persons in IDOH’s viral hepatitis service region who are aware of their Hepatitis C (HCV) infection and linking them into medical care; ensuring continuity of care until services are no longer needed; and promoting self-sufficiency through customized education, coordination of services, and empowerment of the individual.
Call (260) 744-1144 to get started!
Our Hepatitis C Case Manager will help with:
Scheduling medical appointments with a physician in your area
Enrollment in medical insurance if you are uninsured
Sending appointment reminders to you for upcoming scheduled appointments with your doctor
Assisting with confirmatory Hepatitis C testing if you have tested reactive on a rapid Hepatitis C test
Referrals to other resources in your community for help with your Hepatitis C diagnosis
Any questions you may have regarding Hepatitis C, including coming up with a plan of action based on your individual needs and desired outcomes
Accessing treatment for Hepatitis C at little to no cost
Jana Clark
Hepatitis C Care Coordinator